
Creating an environment where data works for you

Our goal is to offer datasets about citizens that work for citizens. We follow the best practices and make the whole process transparent.

  • Collecting data in healthcare
  • Cooperating with SMEs
  • Working with public sector

Collecting data

We cooperate with various public and private institutions in order to collect datasets.

Data Catalogue

Processing entities

When processing our datasets, we follow stringent rules for privacy and transparency.

Data Catalogue

Providing results

Our codes used for processing and data outputs are publicly available as soon as possible.

Data Catalogue


Our main goal is cooperation

We want to create a vibrant civic environment where data about citizens works for citizens. This goal requires having data - so if you have any datasets you are willing to share, please get in touch with us. We are very grateful for any help.

Contact Us

We want to help the general public, small businesses, and other organisations access important datasets about citizens in Liverpool City Region. Our mission is to improve lives by safely making healthcare records and similar data publicly available.

We can you:

- Provide helpful datasets.
- Safely process sensitive data.
- Make datasets publicly available.

Browse Datasets

Browse our publicly available datasets today.

Visit Data Catalogue